Micro fin dry
- Comfortable material that combines elasticity, transpiration, and moisture permeability
It can be used for various purposes due to its uniquely developed structure. - disposable shorts
- absorbent pad
- micro fin dry disposable diapers
- pajamas etc.
Product advantages and characteristics
Disposable shorts / Pants
The thin elastic material “Micro Fin Dry” with excellent elasticity absorbs the moisture inside the shorts and keeps them dry, so your skin is always dry.
It has the same appearance as underwear, so you can rest assured that it will not show through your outerwear.
It can also be used as a paper diaper by combining it with a water absorbent pad.
Micro fin dry disposable diapers
Water absorption pad using Micro Fin Dry® as surface material
It has quick water absorption and less reversal, suppressing unpleasant odors.
- Unlike conventional disposable diapers, there is no rustling sound when moving.
- It looks like underwear, so you don’t have to worry about being seen by other people in the changing room.
- Because it is thin, it does not affect the outerwear
- Comfortable without stuffiness

Micro Fin Dry®, which has high comfort performance,
It can be used for various purposes.